1 Phone Call By Spencer Dutton Finally Has Me Excited About 1923 Season 2 Episode 5’s Ending

A single phone call by Spencer Dutton (Brandon Sklenar) in 1923 season 2, episode 5 makes me very excited for the end of Taylor Sheridan’s show. Spencer’s long journey back to Montana has been a major focus all season long, but the show has also been stalling on it. There have been so many setbacks, from Spencer’s bootlegging misadventure to his run-in with the homeless people on the train, and it seems like every step he takes towards Montana includes two steps back. Luckily, the ending of 1923 season 2, episode 5 finally made some progress in getting Spencer home.

In 1923 season 2, episode 5, Spencer was arrested by Marshal Mamie Fossett (Jennifer Carpenter), which actually turned out to be a blessing. Fossett saved Spencer from dying of dehydration out in the West Texas plains, but she also demanded that he call someone in Montana to prove his identity and confirm that he wasn’t a fugitive. She took Spencer back to Amarillo and had him call Sheriff McDowell (Robert Patrick) in Bozeman. That decision finally made the finale of 1923 season 2 clearer, and it painted a very exciting picture of what’s to come.

Spencer’s Phone Call In 1923 Season 2, Episode 5 Is What We’ve Been Waiting For
Spencer’s Call With Sheriff McDowell Puts 1923’s End Game In Motion

Spencer’s phone call with Sheriff McDowell felt like a real turning point for 1923 season 2. In that one moment, everything that needed to get started for the finale of the show and the war for the Yellowstone finally began. McDowell is going to tell Jacob (Harrison Ford) and Cara (Helen Mirren) that Spencer is on his way so they can prepare, and Mamie Fossett put Spencer on a train to Montana, which is more progress than he’s had all season long. All that stands between 1923 and the thrilling war for the Yellowstone ranch is a (hopefully uneventful) train ride.

Because of that one phone call, 1923 has finally set up the story we’ve wanted to see since 2023. The pieces are all in place, and we’re finally ready to see Spencer go toe-to-toe with Banner Creighton (Jerome Flynn) and Donald Whitfield (Timothy Dalton). That development came just in time, too, as 1923 season 2 has just two episodes remaining. At this point, I don’t think it’s possible for Taylor Sheridan to stall Spencer any further, and the war for the Yellowstone is almost inevitable.

Why Didn’t Spencer Call The Yellowstone Ranch Earlier In 1923 Season 2?
Spencer Did Send A Telegraph & He Didn’t Have Easy Access To A Phone

With one phone call, most of Spencer’s troubles vanished, and it was an astonishingly easy fix to being arrested by a U.S. Marshal. It was so simple that it actually begs the question: why didn’t Spencer just call Sheriff McDowell sooner? The simple answer is that Spencer didn’t have the time. As soon as he got off the boat, Spencer was dealing with the Mafia, which ended with him getting roped into bootlegging. Then, he was on the run from the law, and the only chance he really had to send word to Montan was when he sent a telegraph that still hasn’t been read.

On top of just not having a chance to call, there’s a good chance Spencer didn’t even think to call. The last time Spencer was in Montana was when he left to fight in World War I, presumably in about 1917. As he’s noted several times, America was a very different place then, and Spencer may not have thought that he could reach the Duttons by telephone. Additionally, he likely thought that the telegraph he sent in 1923 season 2, episode 2 would be good enough. In any case, Spencer’s arrival in Montana is finally in motion, and 1923 season 2 is finally ready for its finale.