Tulsa King Season 2 Episode 5 Ending Explained: Why Did Cal Thresher Attack Dwight?


Dwight Manfredi’s gang took quite a few hits in Tulsa King season 2, episode 5, and some of Cal Thresher’s attacks need to be explained. As the show progresses, each of the characters in Tulsa King are experiencing more stress, growing tensions, and even more problems to deal with. While that makes for great television and creates opportunities for some awesome character moments, like Tyson’s decision to lean into the gangster lifestyle, it also complicates the series’ plot. Now, after Tulsa King season 2, episode 5, the story of Dwight and his gang has gotten so complicated that it might require some explanation.

The most recent episode of Tulsa King further developed some of the things the rest of the season has focused on. Both the Kansas City and New York gangs are growing more angry with Dwight, Cal Thresher’s relationship with the Chinese gang world is growing more contentious by the moment, and Dwight’s friends, particularly Armand and Bodhi, are having their allegiances tested. Even though Dwight is Sylvester Stallone’s funniest character in years, even his brand of humor can’t hold back all the problems he’s facing.

What Bill, Chickie, & Dwight’s Sit-Down Means For Tulsa King Season 2
The Sit-Down Could Either Shift Allegiances Or Power Balances In Tulsa King

Much of Tulsa King season 2, episode 5 was dedicated to three of the major gangsters in the show – Dwight, Chickie Invernizzi, and Bill Bevilaqua – working out a time and place for a sit-down. Both Bill and Chickie managed to agree on a meeting in Atlanta, and though he hadn’t agreed yet, Dwight also seemed to be open to the idea. If Dwight does go to the sit-down in Atlanta, it could have a major effect on Tulsa King season 2. Depending on how it plays out, both the Eastern and Western gang landscape could completely change overnight.

Dwight mentioned at the end of Tulsa King season 2, episode 4 that he would have been willing to strike a deal with Bill if his temper hadn’t gotten in the way. That might be a sign that Dwight will be more willing to negotiate during the sit-down. If he plays his cards right, Dwight could turn Bill Bevilaqua and the Kansas City mob from an enemy to an ally with a few well-placed words. That would also fit with an interview Frank Grillo gave for Tulsa King season 2, where he hinted that Dwight and Bill would go from “adversarial” to something else entirely.

While the things Dwight stands to gain from the sit-down are fairly clear, it’s not as easy to determine what Bill and Chickie want out of the meeting. Bill may be content with simply getting a piece of Dwight’s profits from Tulsa, but he’s also still furious about Carl’s death, and he may demand more than just financial compensation. As for Chickie, he likely won’t want to make any kind of deal with Dwight, given their troubled history and Chickie’s instability. The sit-down could be a bigger opportunity for Vince, Chickie’s capo, as it could be a chance for him to take over the Invernizzi crime family.

Cal Thresher’s Attack On Dwight Explained
Thresher Attacked The Wind Farm To Slow Dwight Down & Cost Him Money

One of the biggest moments in Tulsa King season 2, episode 5 was when Cal Thresher’s workers arrived at the wind farm and started destroying the place. While their goal was fairly clear – they wanted to set Dwight’s project back and cost him both time and money to get it running again – there was also some hidden nuance to the situation. For one, Cal didn’t just attack Dwight, he also made a power play against Jackie Ming. Jackie had asserted his dominance over the poppy fields and killing the thieves, and using his workers without his consent was a way for Cal to strike back.

It was essentially a message that they should always be on guard, which could cause some serious tension between Dwight and his followers.

The other hidden objective for destroying Dwight’s wind farm was more psychological. Ever since the failed hit, Dwight and the rest of his gang have been on edge. Dwight wouldn’t leave his house without Bigfoot on the watch, while Bodhi and the rest of the gang at the Even Higher Plane were constantly stressed out. Cal Thresher’s attack on the wind farm served as a reminder that he was always looking for a way to stab them in the back. It was essentially a message that they should always be on guard, which could cause some serious tension between Dwight and his followers.


Do Bill Bevilaqua & Cal Thresher Work Together?
Bevilaqua & Thresher Have A Mysterious & Contentious History

After Cal Thresher’s semi-successful attack on Dwight’s wind farm, he reached out to Bill Bevilaqua over the phone. Their conversation revealed a bit more about their relationship and history with one another, but it didn’t paint a fully clear picture of everything that has happened between them. As Bill said, he had worked with Cal for a time, but eventually wanted out of the partnership and let the Chinese gang take his spot. What isn’t clear, however, is why Bill didn’t want to be associated with Cal anymore, what caused their split, and what the nature of their relationship is in Tulsa King season 2.

What little can be gleaned from Bill’s words seem to indicate that he and Cal are no longer working together. That could affect Tulsa King season 2 in a big way, as it likely means that Bill won’t help Cal out of any trouble he gets into in the future with either the Chinese gang or Dwight. Bill is both a gangster and a business person, and Cal makes quite a bit of money, so he must have had a very good reason for ending the partnership. Whatever happened to split them may have been serious enough to prevent Bill from helping Cal in the future.

Why Cal Thresher Sent Dwight & Margaret A Bottle Of Champagne
Thresher Is Playing Mind Games With Dwight & Trying To Break Them Up

Cal Thresher’s attacks on Dwight wasn’t just the over smash-up he ordered at the wind farm, he also had a fairly confusing power play at the end of the episode. As Dwight and Margaret Devereaux were sitting down for their date, a waiter explained that Thresher had gifted them an expensive bottle of wine. That certainly isn’t the type of action that would be expected from someone as vindictive as Cal, but it was actually just as sinister as sending his men to the wind farm. Cal’s first attack threatened Dwight’s business, but the bottle of champagne threatened his personal life.

Cal may have been trying to drive a wedge between Dwight and Margaret. Throughout Tulsa King season 2, episode 5, Margaret was clearly becoming perturbed at Dwight and Cal’s conflict. At the start of the date, she even demanded his name not be brought up at all. It’s possible that Cal was trying to ruin their date and attack Dwight’s love life as well as his business. Cal has also made a pass at Margaret in a previous episode, but it seems more likely that his motivation was to hurt Dwight more so than win Margaret’s favor.

It’s another move to shake Dwight, and it might end up causing some serious stress and paranoia out of Dwight as Tulsa King season 2 continues.

On top of attacking Dwight’s personal life, however, Cal also sent a subtle message to the gangster. Essentially, Cal’s decision to send a bottle of champagne to Dwight and Margaret was another form of psychological warfare. He wanted to remind them that he was always watching, that he knew where they would be and when, and that he could even reach them in their most private moments, like on a date. It’s another move to shake Dwight, and it might end up causing some serious stress and paranoia out of Dwight as Tulsa King season 2 continues.
