Tulsa King Season 2 Episode 6 Ending Explained: What Happened To Mark & Tyson?


The ending of Tulsa King season 2, episode 6, was quite literally explosive, and Mark and Tyson Mitchell’s fates may need to be explained. Though Dwight Manfredi (Sylvester Stallone) is the star of Tulsa King, the second season of the show has given the rest of the cast quite a few moments in the spotlight. Usually, Tulsa King season 2 focusing on Dwight’s gang is a good thing, as it develops his gang’s personalities and lets them start their own side hustles. Tulsa King season 2, episode 6, however, proved that being part of Dwight’s crew can come with just as many risks as rewards.

Tulsa King has already had some great gangster scenes, and the most recent episode is no exception. In classic mobster fashion, a bomb detonated under Dwight’s Navigator. The explosion did a lot of damage in the show, and given the fact that Tyson’s dad, Mark, was in the car at the time, it should have some far-reaching repercussions. The car bomb wasn’t the only major development in Tulsa King season 2, episode 6, though, and some of the episode’s other moments could prove to be just as important.

What Did Jackie Ming Mean By “Half Measures” In Tulsa King Season 2, Episode 6?
Jackie Ming Is Going To Be Much More Violent Than Cal Thresher

Jackie Ming (Rich Ting), the leader of the Chinese gangsters, finally confronted Cal Thresher (Neal McDonough) about his obsession with Dwight in Tulsa King season 2, episode 6. After Thresher explained that Dwight was a threat to their weed business and an “outsider” trying to get in on the profits, Jackie suggested no longer using “half measures.” Jackie left his language purposefully vague, but his meaning was fairly clear: he intends to kill Dwight. Jackie sees death as a permanent solution to all the problems Dwight has been causing, and he sees murder as far simpler than Thresher’s attacks.

The most surprising part of the scene wasn’t Jackie’s words, but rather the fact that he wanted to kill Dwight at all. So far, Dwight has only really caused trouble for Thresher, but at the end of Tulsa King season 2, episode 5, he stepped on Jackie’s toes as well. As Jackie mentioned, the attack on the wind farm put several of his guards out of commission, it hindered work, and it undermined his authority with the workers. Jackie isn’t the type to let Dwight’s beatdown on his men go unpunished, and he could end up being a bigger threat than Thresher ever was.

Why Chickie Forgot About His Ankle Gun & How Vince Screwed Up The Sit-Down Explained
Both Chickie & Vince Aren’t As Smart As They Think

One of the main events of Tulsa King season 2, episode 6 was the sit-down between Bill Bevilaqua (Frank Grillo), Chickie Invernizzi (Domenick Lombardozzi), and Dwight. Chickie, however, didn’t make it to the sit-down because he was arrested at the airport for having a gun in his ankle holster. Forgetting about the gun on his ankle seemed like a stupid mistake by Chickie, and it was. Ever since he killed Pete in Tulsa King season 1, Chickie has been on a downward spiral. Being arrested at the airport was a sign that Chickie was slipping, and he was making increasingly dumb mistakes.

Unfortunately for the Invernizzi crime family, the mistakes didn’t stop there. After Chickie was arrested, Vince (Vincent Piazza) decided to attend the sit-down alone. Dwight and Bevilaqua almost completely disregarded Vince, and they ended up striking a deal with each other and cutting New York out of it. Essentially, Vince got played because he thought he was a lot more competent than he actually is. Vince thought he could broker a deal that benefited everyone without Chickie’s help, and Bevilaqua and Dwight showed him just how wrong he was.

Both Chickie and Vince’s mistakes could have some serious repercussions in the rest of Tulsa King season 2. Chickie’s mistake didn’t exactly paint him as a genius, which could undermine his authority over the gang even more than it already has been. Meanwhile, Vince’s bad deal could be taken as a sign that the Invernizzi family is weak and open to attack. Regardless of what happens to the Invernizzi gang, though, Chickie and Vince could experience some personal fallout. Chickie is already unstable, and Vince’s mistake might be enough to convince him to kill his capo.

Are Mitch Keller & Tina Manfredi Falling In Love?
Mitch May Soon Have To Ask Dwight For Permission To Date Tina


The pressure has been increasing for all the characters of Tulsa King season 2, and Tina Manfredi (Tatiana Zappardino) is no exception. As a result of the heightened danger, she decided to get a gun, and Dwight asked Mitch (Garrett Hedlund) to teach her to shoot it. During their first lesson together, however, it seemed like Tina and Mitch had a lot of chemistry, and that they might be romantically interested in each other. While nothing has officially happened yet, it definitely seems like Tina and Mitch are headed towards a relationship.

Tulsa King has set up a relationship between Tina and Mitch in a few key ways. For example, Tina’s husband didn’t move out to Tulsa with her and the twins, and Joanne (Anabella Sciorra) mentioned that they were having problems in Tulsa King season 2, episode 2. Additionally, while watching Mitch sing at the Bred2Buck, Tina asked “is it just me or is [Mitch] really good?” Then, in the latest episode, Mitch called Tina “a beautiful woman.” There definitely seems to be a mutual attraction, and since Dwight already likes Mitch, he’d likely give their relationship his blessing.

Is Bill Bevilaqua Going To Honor His Deal With Dwight?
Bevilaqua Probably Won’t Let Carl’s Death Go Unpunished

Dwight and Bill Bevilaqua were able to reach an understanding at the sit-down, but their deal may not last very long. Dwight offered to give Bill 15% of his profits, as well as a heavy discount on weed, in exchange for protection and distribution. Since Bill’s marijuana farms were being impacted by drought, he agreed, but later on, he mentioned that he wasn’t happy with the deal. Bill told one of his men that he didn’t like trading Carl – the hitman he sent after Dwight – for a discount on weed. Then, Bill indicated that he might not honor the deal and attack Dwight anyway.

Future episodes of Tulsa King season 2 could see Bill put out another hit on Dwight, or he could attack him more directly.

Carl’s death is clearly weighing on Bill, and it may cause him to seek out more than just money and weed from Dwight. Bill mentioned that there’s a hole in his operation that Carl used to fill, and he also has to contend with Carl’s widow and his own wife, both of whom are angry at him for sending Carl into harm’s way. To avenge Carl, Bill may try to get Dwight to pay in blood. Future episodes of Tulsa King season 2 could see Bill put out another hit on Dwight, or he could attack him more directly.

Did Mark Survive The Explosion & How Will It Affect Tyson In Tulsa King Season 2?
It’s Too Early To Say Whether Mark Survived, But Tyson Could Be Looking For Revenge

Without a doubt, the biggest surprise in Tulsa King season 2, episode 6, came in the final moments of the episode. After Tyson (Jay Will) convinced Dwight to sell him the Navigator, he gave the keys to his father, Mark (Michael Beach). The next morning, as Mark started the car, a white Prius sped away, and a bomb inside the car detonated. Right now, it’s not clear whether Mark survived the car bombing, and there won’t be a definitive answer until episode 7. Though Mark’s condition is hard to determine, Tyson’s is much easier.

At the start of the episode, Dwight told Tyson to stay alert while driving the Navigator, because Dwight’s enemies knew what car he drove. Even though he saw the white Prius, Tyson wasn’t able to stop the car bomb from going off, and he likely blamed himself for whatever happened to Mark. His family will likely blame Tyson, too, since it was his decision to be a gangster that put Mark in danger. Tyson has essentially two options: give up the gangster lifestyle, or double down on it. Given Tyson’s earlier talk with Dwight about paying Bevilaqua back for the failed hit, he may choose revenge.

If Tyson does go out for revenge, he’ll have to find out who was responsible for the car bomb. Since Dwight has so many enemies – Thresher, Bevilaqua, and now Ming – that might be easier said than done. What will make the search even harder is the fact that each of Dwight’s enemies has evidence pointing blame at them. Thresher has a long-running feud with Dwight, and he may have taken Jackie’s words about “no half measures” to heart. Conversely, Jackie may have taken matters into his own hands. Finally, Bevilaqua also could have been responsible, given his opinion of the deal Dwight made.

The ending of Tulsa King season 2, episode 6 set up quite a bit of violence, and possibly a very bloody climax to the fight between Dwight, Cal Thresher, Jackie Ming, and Bill Bevilaqua.

Finding out who detonated the car bomb is likely going to be a major issue in Tulsa King season 2, episode 7. Tyson will obviously be the most enthusiastic, but Dwight will also want answers, both because he cares for Tyson and because the bomb was supposed to kill him. Once they find the culprit, Dwight and the rest of the gang will likely be out for blood. The ending of Tulsa King season 2, episode 6 set up quite a bit of violence, and possibly a very bloody climax to the fight between Dwight, Cal Thresher, Jackie Ming, and Bill Bevilaqua.
