“Angela Would Be Asked Back For All Stars.. She Is Crazy. She’s Another Janelle.”


12:30pm – 1:07pm Backyard Chelsie, Cam, Kimo and Rubina
The house guests are lounging in the backyard chatting about Ainsley and how different the game was having 3 nominees.
Chelsie – next story line is there’s something that key card holds. Kimo – whatever it has access to. Chelsie – whatever is in the cloud will reveal something. Kimo – in the cloud. Chelsie – or it could be that Makensy unlocked the key right? So its already been unlocked. Kimo – or Ainsley has the key. Chelsie – maybe its just us unlocking the key and Ainsley’s going to reveal who wins but this next veto still has to be part of the story. Kimo – right, well now especially it has to be. Which could be us now in the virtual world more. Chelsie – I don’t freaking know, she’s so unpredictable. So annoying. Kimo – imagine if she is another vote. Chelsie – or two votes. Kimo – yeah I guess because it couldn’t be a tie if there was seven. Chelsie – I think it will be traditional 2 people at the end, and seven people vote. Kimo – yeah probably. Rubina – craziest season of BB. Kimo – I mean there have been messier seasons because of the cast but yeah as far as structure of the game, oh yeah! 3 noms. Chelsie – three noms for 6 weeks. Kimo – and two comps involved in nominations… oh essentially 3 comps in nominations right. HOH, Veto and Renom.. for half of the time. That is a lot. I don’t think they’ll go back to the old structure. Rubina – Because it kept everyone on the edge of their seats. You didn’t know what was happening till the day freakin’ of! Kimo – it does make it a lot harder to play this game. Chelsie – you have to strategize for two or three days. You have to strategize the possibility of three different scenarios. And the people on the block as you guys know because we were all there at some point don’t really know where the house lies in their vote because you don’t know what the outcome is going to be. Kimo – everyone is having to think about what that looks like with each person. As we see, it took a toll on the HOHs a lot more. Chelsie – yeah that first week when Angela was HOH, she put three up and none of them went home. Rubina – crazy! Chelsie – the renom went home. Rubina – there were a lot of times when the renom went home. Chelise – Matt, Quinn, Leah, Joseph, Tkor..

The conversation turns to talking about who would come back if it was a Reindeer games or all stars. Chelsie – Makensy would come back for all stars and maybe Tucker. Quinn would be asked to do Reindeer games. Angela would be asked back for All Stars situation. She is crazy. She is another Janelle. She shakes up the game. Doesn’t really care. She loves you know, but she unintentional stirs.

1:30pm – 3pm Backyard – Chelsie, Rubina, Cam and Kimo are chatting about reality tv shows, dating shows, Netflix shows, songs, etc.,

3pm – 4:47pm The backyard conversations continue. Chelsie / Makensy discuss argue about who in the cast would hit up their DMs to look for relationships. Chelsie and Makensy both say Cedric would have been doing that the minute he got out. The conversation turns to talking about Matt and how horrible he played the game.

5:20pm HOH – Makensy and Cam
Makensy – I just want to make sure that Kimo targets still. I just want to see that I’ve had these heads in some place. Cam – Yeah. Makensy – And then I think that’s really it. Obviously. I would love.. Cam – I’ve already you know enough about myself. I’ve already wallowed myself all yesterday. I’m going to get one. I’m going to get one! Makensy – I would love that. Please protect us. You know, do your thing. Cam – don’t worry, don’t worry. I’m out there busting my tail. Makensy – Rubina might have beat you in that one. You took breaks. Cam – I don’t think I did worse than Rubina. It couldn’t have been more than 30 minutes. I just stopped to check the details to make sure I got the order right. Makensy – I am just even more scared because I just won another comp, so I am even more of a threat. I am just scare because you might be the deciding vote between Chelsie and I. Have you thought about that? Cam – no. Makensy – why did you smile? Cam – I’m not even thinking about things like that I am just thinking about winning HOH. Makensy – its not going to be easy to make an decision in one day. Cam – I am not going to make a decision in one day. I just have a lot of trust that we’re going to be able to pull it off.


5:30pm – 6:24pm HOH Room – Cam, Chelsie and Makensy
Makensy and Chelsie are giving Cam a hard time about how he hasn’t won anything and needs to win to help protect them next week. Cam – I can’t play a game tomorrow like I can’t. All I can do is play a game on Thursday. Makensy – Yeah, I don’t know. Cam – Obviously want you to win on Thursday. Chelsie – Please win. Please do it. You know which one I really want you to win Saturday. Makensy – Yep. Please. Cam – Yeah. OK. That’s about all I can really definitively say is that I wanna win and then I’m going to win. Chelsie – I don’t think the issues that you want to win the issues that you’re not winning. Cam – Yeah. I am well aware of that. Chelsie – So my question is not that you want to win. My question is not it’s not even a question. It’s just the reality of that. Makensy – lock in! Cam – do you do you think I’m just f**king like Whoopi do??, Like I like losing? When in my life have I ever wanted to lose anything? Never! I’ll answer that for you, I’ve never been wired to lose. Makensy – some times people in this game literally just throw comps. Cam – I’m not that type of person though. Makensy – I’m not saying you are I’m just saying that some people like even if they are wired to.. Cam – I wouldn’t have made it to the point where I am in my life by losing intentionally that is not how I’m wired. Makensy – I’m not wired that way either that’s why I do what I do. Cam – I mean that’s what I’m saying I do what I do.. Don’t confuse me not being frustrated that I’m losing. I’m well aware that I’m losing. Makensy – You sound so mad right now. Chelsie – there is frustration.. in full honestly there is frustration but there is more so fear that ..and I am glad that your game is set up really well but the fact of the matter is going into next week. Makensy – we are f**ked! Chelsie – we have to .. her and I have to win to save ourselves because if Rubina gets to choose .. the moment she gets power she is going to want one of us gone. Makensy – and its probably going to be me. Chelsie – technically you don’t need to win and you’re fine. We have to win. Cam – I get it. I get it. You’re not really talking to me. You’re talking out loud. Your situation is not going to affect me I am going to win. Makensy – I hope you do. You’ve also said that you win when you need to and so next week you need to win, so win! Cam – I’m going to win. They continue to grill him on how he lost a mental / physical comp to Kimo. Makensy – it just looks sus! Chelsie – even Kimo was shocked that he made it to top three. Cam – yeah I know, I got it. Makensy – I know you’re trying. You’re doing great. You’re in a good spot and I completely have full faith in you next week.
