Barbara Walters’ Attempt At Wooing Clint Eastwood Failed Badly After She Rejected Oscar Winner’s Advances Many Years Ago

On top of being one of the most talented actors and directors in Hollywood, Clint Eastwood has been a ladies man. Ever since the release of his first film, he has had many admirers who have fauned over him and his charm. One such person happened to be one of the most iconic and successful journalists of all time.

Barbara Walters was known for many things, having a very unique approach when interviewing some of the finest Hollywood had to offer. Once, when she was on the receiving end of an interview, she revealed an interesting connection she had with Eastwood. A story that spanned through time and had an unfortunate end.

Clint Eastwood Was Interested in Barbara Walters

Many years before her passing, Barbara Walters gave an interview with Jimmy Fallon on the Today show, via Digital Spy, where she talked about many interesting aspects from her personal and professional life. She also reveal an interesting tale about her and Clint Eastwood. It would seem that the pair shared a kind of tragic love story that could have ended very differently if she had made different choices.

I did this interview with Clint Eastwood something like 30 years ago. He was very flirtatious, and I was very taken [with him],

The actress revealed that decades ago, she once interviewed the actor and director on one of her segments. She remembered how he made her feel, being quite flirtacous and leaving her enamored and curious about their interaction.

He asked me if I wanted to have dinner, and I said, ‘No, I have to work’. You know, I don’t mix business with pleasure.

Soon after they finished, Eastwood took a bold step and asked Walters if she was interested in going out for dinner with him. Unfortunately, the journalist ended up turning his offer down, using an excuse of work. She had a rule of not mixing her personal and professional life. While many would respect such a philosophy, she grew to regret the decision in the years that followed.

Feelings Changed With The Times

Barbara Walters then went on to ponder on what could have been, as she must have in the years after his offer. She seemed to have gotten quite far, as she thought of the possibility of becoming his wife in the future had she said yes.

I could have been Mrs Clint Eastwood!

The journalist then went on to reveal that the tables very drastically turned many years later. During the premier of his 2014 film, Jersey Boys, journalist ran into him. Thinking it to be her final chance, she dressed to impress and asked the filmmaker out.

I thought maybe it’s not too late. I’m not kidding. I really did. I put on the right outfit. The false eyelashes… the whole thing,

Unfortunatley, her plan did not work out and as Walters put it, ”He was just not [that] into me”. It is safe to say the timing of their almost-romance is quite disheartening.