Big Brother 26 Spoilers: Quinn Is Caught In Lies About His Power As Knowledge Spreads And He May Be In Trouble

Quinn Martin holds an important “secret” power on Big Brother 26.

But Quinn made the mistake of telling the wrong person.

Big Brother fans have longed for the day someone got a special power and kept t a secret.

Telling people can weaken your spot in the game or lead you to become a target.

Plus, when people know you have the power, they can lead you into lying about it.

Quinn has gone from being good with nearly everyone in the house to finding himself on the wrong side of ire.

Who knows about Quinn’s power on Big Brother 26?

As a reminder, Quinn won the Deep Fake HOH power on Day 1. This allows him to steal the power of an HOH, but do so in secret.

Quinn told Angela about the power early on, but that was before she began blowing up on other houseguests.

Quinn also told Kimo Apaka about the power, but Kimo is as bad at keeping secrets as Quinn has been.

Angela and Kimo told Tucker Des Lauriers, though Tucker didn’t believe Angela (at first).

Tucker then told Joseph Rodriguez about the power, giving Joseph some key ammunition in his back pocket.

But Tucker also told Cam Sullivan-Brown, and Cam then told Cedric Hodges. That’s about where it gets messy for Quinn.

Quinn gets caught in lies about his power

After Joseph learned that Quinn had the power, he asked Quinn about it. Quinn swore he didn’t have the power, damaging his relationship with Joseph.

The Big Brother Live Feeds also revealed Cam and Cedric speaking about Quinn and how they couldn’t trust him now because he had assured them he had no powers.

Tucker told Cam that if he wins Head of Household he will have to put Quinn on the block now. Quinn is running out of time to just come clean with everyone.

Below is a conversation between Cam and Cedric about forcing Quinn to admit to having the power. They are particularly perturbed that Kimo learned of Quinn’s power before they did.

Spoilers from the Big Brother Live Feeds

Here are the POV spoilers for Week 3. The house has been busy following the eviction of Lisa Weintraub. Things could get very messy leading into the next Eviction Ceremony.

Lisa’s goodbye messages from the BB26 cast were revealed. She didn’t want anything to do with Angela’s words.

The August episodes of BB26 now include a Tuesday installment. We are also heading toward a two-hour episode (Could it be a Double Eviction)?

Big Brother 26 airs on CBS during Summer 2024.