Big Brother Earthquakes: Throwback Videos Of Earthquakes Hitting BB House Shared After East Coast Tremor

The recent New Jersey earthquake (a 4.8 on April 5) has led to people sharing videos of the Big Brother house going through earthquakes.

Since the Big Brother house is located in California, it isn’t rare for the players to experience the earth moving. But for some houseguests, it is the first time they have ever gone through one.

Luckily, no extensive damage has been sustained at the house during the various earthquakes, but it has led to some interesting moments on the Big Brother live feeds.

Live feed subscribers can watch online each season to see what the Big Brother players are up to in between episodes. That’s where juicy conversations and strategizing can take place.

And sometimes, the live feeds pick up something unexpected. We have had fans trying to yell information to houseguests, planes flying over the house with banners trailing, and even several kitchen fires.

Several medical situations have also happened, including Christmas Abbott breaking her foot and Amanda Hansen passing out.

Earthquakes at the Big Brother house

The Big Brother 10 cast experienced a 5.4 earthquake in July 2008. Its epicenter was about 45 miles from Los Angeles, where the Big Brother house is located.

The BB10 cast was relaxing, with chats between players featured on the feeds in the backyard and inside the house. Most players were still in the game since it was so early in the season.

Below is a video Mike Bloom shared from the BB10 episode where the earthquake was shown. Big Brother 10 winner Dan Gheesling, runner-up Memphis Garrett, and several other recognizable players can be seen. Michelle Costa also speaks about being from Rhode Island and never having experienced an earthquake (until then).

Mike’s joke stems from Jerry MacDonald believing that a truck had hit the house.

Big Brother 21 experienced several earthquakes

Another notable earthquake was experienced by the Big Brother 21 cast on Independence Day in July 2019.

Below is a video from the live feeds as it played out. The BB21 cast members barely reacted before the coverage went down for a bit.

This was the season Jackson Michie won, and Holly Allen finished as the runner-up.

A day later, the BB21 cast got hit by another earthquake while everyone was inside the house. The lights began swaying, and several players became stressed about what was happening.

The houseguests took this quake much more seriously than the first one.