Clint Eastwood, 94, Has A Doppelganger On Jeopardy! That Leaves Fans Shocked

A contestant on Jeopardy! caught the attention of viewers as they noticed he bore a striking resemblance to actor Clint Eastwood.

During Monday’s episode of the game show David Erb was compared to a younger version of the 94-year-old actor.

Erb’s gray beard, hair, and facial structure all aligned with the renowned movie star’s famous features.

Taking to the social media app X, one person asked: ‘Is it just me or does David on #Jeopardy remind anyone else of a young Clint Eastwood?’

Another remarked, ‘If Christopher Guest & Clint Eastwood had a son, he’d look like this guy, David, on #Jeopardy right now.’

David, a puzzle designer, competed against writer Dana Schwartz, and high school teacher Jen Feldman.

He looked studly in a brown suede sports coat and crew neck black shirt.

Another fan on X joked about his uncanny likeness to Clint, ‘Clint Eastwood still kickin?’

On Reddit, per The Mirror, someone observed, ‘David looks like several different people. Clint Eastwood is one of them. Wish they would focus on him longer so I could figure out who the others are.’

And another chimed in, ‘My wife also made the Clint Eastwood observation.’

A veteran in the entertainment industry, Eastwood is known for a range of Western films and his 2004 drama Million Dollar Baby in which he starred opposite Hilary Swank.

Clint has eight kids, and his 31-year-old daughter Francesca Eastwood worried fans on Monday as she shared two bikini-clad photos on Instagram.

The actress looked thin in the shots, concerning some fans, including one who wrote: ‘As someone who is healing from an eating disorder, I can promise you that one day you’ll look back on these photos with sadness.’

The person added, ‘You feel like you have control, but it is the disease that has control over you. I sincerely hope you seek professional medical help. You are beautiful and wasting away.’

Someone else reasoned: ‘Everyone telling her to eat needs to maybe consider that she’s just naturally thin like this. Some people struggle to gain weight. She’s beautiful!’

Clint went through multiple failed marriages, faced numerous allegations of infidelities, and fathered eight children with six women over the years.

This past July he lost longtime girlfriend Christina Sandera at the age of 61 due to cardiac arrhythmia.