Home And Away Fans Relieved To See Fan Favourite Return For Felicity’s F.uneral: ‘So Glad’

Home and Away fans are relieved to see the return of an important character ahead of the funeral of Felicity Newman after she died from a brain aneurysm, with her life support being turned off during Monday’s night episode.

After Flick remained in hospital last week, with fans knowing that Jacqui Purvis had departed the show, people started speculating if Felicity’s foster father, Gary, would show up to be able to say goodbye.

We were first introduced to Flick’s foster dad Gary when he walked her down the aisle for her wedding to Tane and fans are now happy to see that Gary does appear in promos for Felicity’s funeral.

Jacqui Purvis, who played Felicity, told Yahoo Lifestyle last week that while she absolutely loved her time working on the show, it was the right time for her to depart the soap. “I’ve had an incredible time on the show. Some of the best years of my life,” she said. “However, I knew I wanted an international career, so, I had to make the decision to leave and take the plunge.”

Fans relieved to see return of Home and Away character ahead of emotional funeral episode

“So glad Gary is coming back,” one person said in a Facebook group, with some wishing he’d be back for good. “Hopefully Gary stays a permanent character absolutely love him,” someone else commented, with someone else agreeing, “Great actor be good to see him more.”

“I’m wondering if they take Flick’s body back to Gary’s farm or maybe in the area where she grew up, the background looks like is in the country,” another speculated about the funeral.

Some fans were just even a bit, well, thirsty. “Yayyyy hottie Peter Phelps is back, even for just a short time,” one fan raved.

Home and Away fans commend show for important message

The show focused on the importance of organ donation, with Cash making the decision to donate Felicity’s organs after they turned off her life support.

After one fan commented that the scene had to be the “saddest death”, another shared they were glad the show had promoted organ donation. “I lost my mate three months ago exactly the same, so glad they promoted organ donation,” they commented.

“I’m glad all the doctors and nurses stood and said goodbye,” another fan said.