Home And Away Spoiler: Harper Seeks Further Reassurances


Harper is shocked by Tane’s sudden change of heart. After all, didn’t he just drink until he blacked out and then avoid the conversation all morning?

Harper doesn’t want to make him feel like he’s pressured to say yes to such a big decision. But Tane doubles down: he means it and they’re family now.

Meanwhile, Remi checks in on Eden. He walks into her room and is shocked to find her sitting on her bed, wearing the dress she would have worn to her wedding. He tells her she looks beautiful, but this seems to upset her even more. Eden emerges from her room and apologises to Bree for her outburst. Bree is compassionate and forgives her immediately.

A grave-looking Cash walks through his front door, with Gary in tow. He tries to ask his foster father to liaise between him and Eden, but Gary is having none of it. Cash broke up with Eden, so she at least deserves to see him in person.

When Cash gives Eden the cold shoulder, however, Gary’s had enough. He arrives at Eden’s place with some firm words of encouragement: if Cash is the one she wants, she should fight for him. Gary takes Eden to Cash’s place, ready for the conversation to go down – but Cash simply tells her to leave.


Later that night, Cash packs his bags and tells Gary he’s leaving the Bay with him – permanently. Is this the end of the line for Cash?

Elsewhere, Perri drops off his car at the garage. He tries to make it quick, but Theo picks up immediately that something is bothering him. Perri relents, telling Theo that he had to give a statement to the cops about his dad last night. Theo is sympathetic; but Perri brushes Theo off, telling him that he wouldn’t understand.

In reality, however, Theo knows Perri’s situation all too well, and tells him exactly that. The boys bond over a drink, sharing their stories with each other. Feeling better about the situation and a little more self-assured, Perri catches a ride home with his new friend.
