Cheating is a tricky thing in reality television. Because, yes, it is inherently wrong and violates the sanctity of whatever competition it takes place within…but it also creates some of the most riveting scenes that this genre has ever seen. Yet while most series like to amplify their cheating scandals, RuPaul’s Drag Race tends to keep their contestants’ occasional deceit under wraps. Created by the Queen of Drag herself, RuPaul Charles, performers have spoken about how often small acts of cheating occur on this MTV series, with editing overlooking these moments unless they’re so huge they become impossible to ignore (looking at you, Willam Belli). It’s common knowledge that performers will do small things like finish a garment at home or use their own materials for a design challenge, but these are so inconsequential that they don’t warrant airtime, which is what makes the blatant cheating on season 17 so shocking.
This comes after many moments of questionable rule-breaking; from messing up others’ designs to tattling about a contestant using unsanctioned stones, this cast is no stranger to the occasional treachery. But none have been so blatantly against the rules as when, in the latest episode, an upset Arrietty stole Jewels Sparkles’ jokes for a roast challenge to create one of the most shocking story arcs this franchise has ever seen. It was exhilarating to watch, but it’s also something that the show needs to keep an eye on. Because, yes, it’s refreshing to see Queens stop caring about the camera and do whatever it takes to win, but it’s made RuPaul’s Drag Race ask itself a very important question: do we care more about making a fair competition or making good TV?
There Have Been Many Cheaters on ‘RuPaul’s Drag Race’
It’s widely known in the fandom that RuPaul’s Drag Race has featured many cheating contestants in the past. The show often ignores these moments because they have little impact on the competition; for every game-breaking act of deceit like Phi Phi O’Hara stealing Jiggly Caliente’s breastplate in season four, there are dozens more unseen moments where bending the rules barely affected the outcome of an episode (let alone the entire season). Its understandable the series wouldn’t waste a scene on such insignificant moments, though there was absolutely no way season 17 could ignore the many times players ‘cheated.’ From Onya Nurve and Arrietty ‘accidentally’ painting Lexi Love’s outfit, to Love herself reporting Hormona Lisa for unsanctioned gems usage, viewers have been shocked at how willing this cast is to break the rules in order to get ahead. This reached a tipping point in the latest episode when, after getting upset at how Jewels Sparkles ordered the lineup in a roast challenge, Arrietty decided to get back at her by stealing and using her jokes. It was a hilariously futile action that landed both performers in the bottom, but it offered the series one of its most blatant acts of cheating — and cemented a dangerous possibility that Drag Race needs to keep an eye on.
Cheating has been handled in many different ways across the many RuPaul’s Drag Race spin-offs. Whether it be Holland penalizing someone by putting her in the bottom two or Thailand immediately eliminating a Queen who was caught lying to producers, every version of the series addresses decit in its own way as opposed to the flagship, which has been much more lax when it comes to villainous actions like these. While it’s valid that the series didn’t immediately punish Queens from this season who ‘cheated’ as most of their actions can be reduced to shady accidents, both the hosts’ and the editing’s refusal to condemn Arrietty sends a dangerous message: as long as you don’t get caught, this competition is a free-for-all. RuPaul’s Drag Race is one of the most beloved reality competitions and it’s vital the series stays an equitable space where Queens can come, show their artistry, and be judged fairly in their pursuit for the title of ‘America’s Next Drag Superstar.’ By not only turning a blind eye to this cheating but characterizing it as deliciously dramatic, the series is unintentionally encouraging this kind of behavior, motivating future competitors who want to do the same and potentially hurting this competition for all.
‘RuPaul’s Drag Race’ Needs To Put Its Foot Down!
Now, while it’s important to keep competitions fair, audiences can’t forget one of the core tenets of RuPaul’s Drag Race: fun. This show is meant to amplify LGBTQ+ joy, and while Arrietty certainly skirted the rules, it’s undeniable how thrilling this and similar moments on season 17 have been to watch. But that’s the thing — it’s also thrilling for a show to catch someone cheating, offer many scenes of it, then call it out, simultaneously seizing on the drama for great TV while making it clear that this kind of tampering won’t be allowed. By not taking a firm stance on this kind of behavior, RuPaul’s Drag Race could be showing future contestants that not only is this allowed but it can score them some extra airtime to mess with another competitor’s chances to win. It’s a new issue that the series needs to learn to handle, because if it keeps on letting cheaters skirt by, it may lose out on the equity and fairness that makes it one of the best competitions airing today.