Kevin Costner Accused Of Adultery Amidst His Divorce Storm: He Accuses His Wife Back

Costner separated from Christine Baumgartner in 2023.

After 19 years of marriage, Kevin Costner’s separation from Christine Baumgartner was finalized in September 2023 and, to put it lightly, it was far from amicable as both sides accuse the other of cheating on them in a bitter fall out.

One must feel for their children who have to watch the details of their family widely discussed and published online in this modern era when everyone in their school can see what’s happening…

But regardless of that, the parents are continuing their war against each other as they both bid to win the moral high ground at the end of their 23-year relationship that began in 2000 and produced three kids.

According to TMZ, the rumor that Costner had impregnated another woman whilst filming on the set of Yellowstone was worthy of an investigation and that’s what exactly will air on Monday, February 19 titled TMZ Investigates: Kevin Costner’s Divorce War on Fox and then Hulu.
Costner, of course, denies his alleged affair. Meanwhile Baumgartner herself is accused of sleeping with a man at her guesthouse although she also denies this. The role of Josh Connor in her post-Costner life has raised questions too although source say nothing romantic took place until after the separation.

The impact of their prenuptial

Now separated, they can put their anger aside and move on, right? Wrong. The prenuptial agreement they signed prior to marriage is next up on the agenda as Baumgartner asked for almost $250,000 a month.

She had claimed that it was the only way she and the children can “live at a standard somewhat approaching the standard that the children will be enjoying while in Kevin’s care.”

But it didn’t include private school tuition, health care and sports-related expenses which she also claimed against his name.

In the end she got $63,000 per month from the famous actor in the name of child support after Baumgartner contested their agreement that was signed way back in 2004 and TMZ reported that Costner was already paying 100% of the children’s expenses at the time in June 2023.