Like Father Like Son: Lucky’s Love For Elizabeth On General Hospital

Lucky and Liz are heading towards becoming a couple. Is their story similar to Luke and Laura?

General Hospital’s Luke and Laura are so legendary that many fans can tell you exactly where they were when they watched the couple’s wedding. Their son Lucky followed in their footsteps and had an incredibly romantic story of his own. Will it continue?

Back Together Again?

Lucky (Jonathan Jackson) and Elizabeth (Rebecca Herbst) fell in love as teens and, like all teens, thought it would last forever. Although they were on and off for years, things were never the same after he was held hostage by Helena (Constance Towers) and presumed dead. That may be because Jackson didn’t always play him. Greg Vaughan and Jacob Young are great actors but many fans didn’t see them as the “real” Lucky.

Lucky was gone for a long time and Liz moved forward without him. She raised her boys and had other relationships, including Franco (Roger Howarth) who she truly loved. Now Lucky is back, and his feelings for his ex are apparent. They work as a couple and might be slowly moving toward a future together.

Like Father Like Son

Laura (Genie Francis) was Luke’s (Anthony Geary) true love. There was nothing he wouldn’t do for her. Through the years, life happened, and they each ended up with others, but the love that they had for each other was like no other.

Lucky had a similar love for Elizabeth, and, as an adult, he seems to be channeling his dad. Their romantic scene in her house, where he played their song and they danced, was the kind of romantic gesture Luke would have made. He even referred to Liz as an angel, a name his dad called his mom.

Luke and Laura were famous for their adventures. Now, their son and his love may embark on one of their own. They are trying to catch Cyrus because they know he murdered patients in the hospital. Cyrus is a pretty bad guy, so chances are the two of them are about to get themselves in trouble. But like father and son, they are bound to get themselves out of it and catch the killer.

Maybe they are heading towards happily ever after. Would you like to see Lucky and Liz back together? Let us know in the comments.