Sylvester Stallone’s Mom Never Wanted To Have Him, Now He’s Worth $400M


Sylvester Stallone is now one of the most worthy, massively talented, and legendary giants in the entertainment industry. But, as many know, his life story was as hard as any other person’s, if not harder, and the emotional trauma he had to go through even as a child further proves how much he struggled to get where he is today.

In fact, the details of his childhood are so depressing and disheartening—even more so judging from the fact that his mother never really wanted him—that his success story of going from zero to worth a $400 million superstar sounds almost miraculous.

Sylvester Stallone’s Mom Made Him Wish He Was Never Born

While Sylvester Stallone’s documentary Sly already gave people quite some intro into his life, what he recently revealed on episode 102 of the UNWAXED Podcast, held by his daughters Sophia and Sistine Stallone, was an even deeper dive than that.

Sharing about the hostile environment he was raised in, the Rocky alum revealed how his mother never really wanted him and even made him wish he had never been born when he was just a child. He said:

“It’s odd because the earmarks were there. I’m a little hesitant but too incredibly repetitive because it was told to me so many times. My mother would say ‘The only reason you’re here is because the hanger didn’t work’ or ‘Bouncing down those steps didn’t cause you to get lost.’”

Even though those statements are already horrific enough, they were far from done. As Stallone recalled another statement from his mom that was said to him as a kid:

“If there was really something wrong with your brain I would have definitely opened up the window and put you on the windowsill and let you freeze because I’d be doing you a favor.”

But what was even worse than that was that Sylvester Stallone‘s young brain was far from developed enough to even decipher what the harsh comments his mother made to him truly meant.

“Your brain is too young to compute. I almost thought she was joking.”


Considering how just reading these comments is nothing short of incredibly heartbreaking, it is almost killing to even imagine someone actually going through that in real life. And yet, Stallone did and made it out alive and as an even better version of himself.

Sylvester Stallone’s Life Story is Beyond Heartbreaking

Continuing in the interview, Sylvester Stallone further elaborated how the household he was raised in was never a happy or healthy one. In fact, it was far from even a proper household, judging from how both of his parents were ‘completely discontent with who they were’.

But even while sharing that he wasn’t brought up in a proper, healthy family, Stallone never sounded like he blamed his parents. If anything, he empathized with them for they had been raised in similar toxic environments themselves.

Furthermore, the Rambo star even spent his first four or five years in a boarding school with strangers he didn’t even know, with no one to turn to or talk to. This not only affected the way he interacted with people but also made him feel like a ‘loner’.

Yet, despite all of that, Sylvester Stallone still managed to rise high enough to make a name for himself where he didn’t have to beg for the love and appreciation that he deserved.

If anything, it is beyond commendable what an incredible personality he has grown up to be after having been raised in a household as toxic as his—something that is not easy, but being the legendary personality he is, Stallone pulled it off in the most magnificent way ever:

Not only is he one of the most talented people in the industry today but his $400 million net worth is more than enough to prove how worthy and deserving he was to be born and live, as opposed to his mother’s statements.
