The Biggest Mistake Michael And Willow Made About Stealing Jason’s Meds On General Hospital

A crucial mistake may have just been made.

It’s nothing new for Jason’s loved ones to commit crimes on his behalf, and plenty of them are doing just that since his return on General Hospital. But it’s easy to make mistakes along the way, and two people just made a big one.

Missing Meds Mess

Despite the fact plenty of people in Port Charles have stolen meds from GH in the past — whether they worked at the hospital or not — of course, now is the time missing meds are being noticed.

After Willow (Katelyn MacMullen) stole a bottle of antibiotics for Jason, who’s been hiding out in the Quartermaine boathouse, Deanna (Dioni Michelle Collins) approached Elizabeth (Rebecca Herbst) on the March 21 episode of GH about a noticeable discrepancy in the hospital pharmacy. Elizabeth instantly realized she was the one responsible for the discrepancy since she was in charge.

Willow overheard their conversation and immediately went home to Michael (Chad Duell), worrying about being found out and how her actions could affect Elizabeth’s job as Head Nurse. That was when over at the Deception office, Spinelli (Bradford Anderson) received an unexpected call from Michael asking if he could hack into the hospital computer system to change the pharmacy’s inventory.

The Mistake

The biggest mistake Michael and Willow made was simply not telling Elizabeth. It’s understandable they don’t want to get anyone else caught up in Jason’s (Steve Burton) mess — especially after they’d already involved Danny (Asher Antonyzyn) — but of all people, Elizabeth would be the perfect person to involve.

After all, Elizabeth already kept Nikolas’ (Adam Huss) crimes a secret when he held Esme (Avery Kristen Pohl) hostage, so it’s clear she would drop everything to help her men, no matter how illegal it was.

Do you think not telling Elizabeth about Jason’s meds was a mistake? Let us know in the comments.