The Two Pieces Of Career Advice John Wayne Gave Michael Caine


A surprising encounter with John Wayne led to Michael Caine receiving some unexpected career advice from a Hollywood icon. Having been active in the movie industry since the 1950s, it’s not necessarily surprising that over the course of his long career, Caine has crossed paths with a long list of A-list actors, many of which being stars from Hollywood’s past.

Among those are Harry Andrews, Laurence Olivier, Angie Dickinson, Shirley MacLaine, James Caan, and even John Wayne. Many were actors Caine worked with professionally, but naturally, that wasn’t true in every case, such as that of John Wayne. Though Caine was a rising star during the latter years of John Wayne’s movie career, the two never appeared together in a movie. That said, they did have a chance meeting decades ago in Los Angeles, wherein Wayne offered some humorous tidbits about what Caine should do as an actor.

During A Chance Meeting, John Wayne Offered Bizarre Acting Advice To Michael Caine
It’s believed to be the first and last time John Wayne and Michael Caine met

In What It’s All About, Michael Caine’s 1992 autobiography, the actor described the talk he had with the Western legend when the latter approached him in the lobby of the Beverly Hills Hotel in the 1960s. According to Caine, Wayne initiated the conversation, having recognized him from watching Alfie. Complimenting Caine’s performance, Wayne had said, “you’re going to be a star, kid,” before proceeding to say that he was going to give Caine some movie advice. Wayne told Caine, “Talk low, talk slow, and don’t say too f****** much.”


Caine noted that before he could give his thanks, Wayne decided to provide him with one more suggestion: “And never wear suede shoes.” Of course, this prompted an elaboration from Wayne, who claimed that he had suede shoes on when he was recognized by another man in a public restroom. As Wayne recalled, the starstruck man “p***** all over” them. Wayne finished the conversation with, “So don’t wear them when you’re famous, kid.” Understandably, Caine was left stunned by the brief but shocking exchange he had just had with one of the most famous actors in movie history, but according to Caine, he heeded Wayne’s advice and didn’t wear suede shoes again.

John Wayne’s Advice Came During A Huge Turning Point In Michael Caine’s Career
They met when Michael Caine’s fame was growing

The context of the encounter, and Wayne’s reaction to seeing Caine, make sense when considering the timing of the conversation and which one of Michael Caine’s movies Wayne was referring to. The Michael Caine movie that John Wayne had seen the actor in was Alfie, a 1966 comedy and box office hit. Caine’s performance in the film earned him an Academy Award nomination for Best Actor. In addition to the critical acclaim that came with the part, Alfie helped Caine attract more offers, resulting in bigger and more frequent movie roles, and as it turns out, the attention of John Wayne himself.
