Why Is Everyone Shocked Sonny Is A Killer On General Hospital?

Wait… Sonny’s not just a coffee importer?

Sonny’s career as a mobster has been a hot topic in Port Charles lately, as the center of several storylines on General Hospital. But despite being in the business for 30 years, many Port Charles citizens still seem shocked to learn about his line of work.

Sonny’s A What?

This all started when Sonny (Maurice Benard) ordered Dex (Evan Hofer) to kill Cyrus (Jeff Kober) at the hospital. Although he called off the hit, Dex still felt guilty over what he had almost done and confided in Josslyn (Eden McCoy), who, despite being knowing Sonny her whole life and practically being raised by him, was shocked to learn that Sonny almost had Cyrus killed.

The news led to Josslyn confronting her mother, asking Carly (Laura Wright) just what Sonny does for a living, as if she had no idea he was a murderous mobster until now. Sonny almost had Dex killed on two occasions, both of which Joss knew about, yet learning he almost offed Cyrus was what opened her eyes.

Friends To Enemies

As if Joss being clueless to Sonny’s business wasn’t bad enough, joining her are two people who have known Sonny since the beginning: Laura (Genie Francis) and Anna (Finola Hughes). While Laura admitted she did always understand the details of her friend’s career, she still seemed shocked that he would attack “an old man” and land him in the hospital (as if Cyrus is a saint in all this). Her sudden need for justice will come in the form of Cyrus finally pressing charges against Sonny for the beating in the church.

Anna also isn’t giving Sonny any more chances since Dex came to her divulging all of Sonny’s secrets (and wound up with a PCPD job application). Her complete 180 toward Sonny feels the most shocking, considering the bond the two have formed in recent years. Her excuse that it was only because he befriended Robin (Kimberly McCullough) in the 90s is quite the stretch.