Yellowstone’s Beth Dutton Star Would Hate To Reprise Her Role Despite Rumors

Taylor Sheridan ’s Yellowstone is coming to a closure soon with the second half of Season 5 premiering in November 2024, but that doesn’t mean we won’t see our favorite characters again. Some of them have been largely speculated to return in the upcoming Yellowstone spin-off that would presumably follow up on the events of the main show, including Kelly Reilly’s Beth Dutton.

Except that Reilly herself isn’t thrilled by such a prospect.

Reilly Would Hate to Remain Beth Dutton

Despite being largely known for her stellar Yellowstone performance, the Beth Dutton star Kelly Reilly feels little to no excitement about forever remaining a “Beth.” In her recent interview with Looper, the actress shared how Yellowstone saw her pigeon-holed into the same type of character and how she’d love to escape from it.

“When you’re playing one type of character, you’re kind of looking for something that is different and fresh. Obviously, I play Beth and people like it. So, I’m inundated with very feisty, strong, violent-type women. I don’t want to play that again, those badly written Beths. So, I stay away from them and instead am looking for the next role that takes me into different waters,” Reilly explained.

While many actors are perfectly okay with playing the same archetype over and over again, Reilly isn’t content with such a fate, so she wants to try something entirely new after she’s done with Yellowstone, and we have to admit that we respect it.

Will Kelly Reilly Return in Yellowstone Spin-Off?

Despite the star actress’ recent claim, her name was still among the Yellowstone stars presumably slated for a spin-off return. There has been no official confirmation of those reports, so it’s all writing on the water — and yet, if the opportunity arises, would Kelly Reilly reprise her iconic role and return as Beth Dutton once again?

From what we’ve gathered, Reilly doesn’t resent her part in Yellowstone, and her frustration has more to do with other showrunners and directors type-casting her into their own “badly written Beths.”

That, she won’t do — but admittedly, if Taylor Sheridan extends an invitation to return, the Beth Dutton star might just be back in the game… To show the poor writers how cool the OG Beth is, if anything.